Automotive vizualisation in unreal engine 5.3
My vision was to create an icelandic landscape from reference pictures I found online. I wanted the overall feel of a somber, foggy icelandic landscape.
I wanted to render with path tracing, but since path tracing don't work with water I had to use lumen instead.
I UV-mapped and prepared the car in blender and imported it into unreal engine using datasmith.
I textured it with unreal engines automotive materials.
To create the landscape I used a perlin noise map to make the overall landscape bumpier, after that I sculpted the sand dunes and detail of the landscape by hand, the mountains being the only exception. I made a landscape material using megascans maps. The rocks and foliage are assets from quixel bridge. The water is "water body ocean".
I modeled the little church in blender and textured it in substance painter.
Most post processing was done in post process volume inside unreal, but I used after effects to add grain (I thought the result turned out better than with unreals own grain), change the hue, saturation, shadows/light.